time on a grandfather clock

Yes. It’s about time! Time to get moving again on all aspects of my writing life. It has been a long while and a lot has happened. Too much to list here. Time for me to get back in the saddle, as the saying goes. So, what am I up to?

My Blog Here ’tis. Begun again. As you see. Apart from my own images, I still have a few old friends in the picture gallery from “Dollar Photos” which has unfortunately closed, but you will see some new ones appear from a new provider. Of course I want to make sure I’m covered as far as copyright, as do we all!

My WIP (Work in Progress) “Shattered” has been giving me all kinds of grief. I can’t count how many times I’ve rewritten the beginning. I’m trying a new tactic… once again.

My Editing Business For some time I’ve been working toward my own editing business. I have a new project coming shortly and I’m putting the final touches on my editing website. So, if you or someone you know is looking for an editor, I’d appreciate it if you would consider me!

“Torn” is still with a publisher, awaiting a decision. Hopefully more on that soon!

Thank you for your time. I hope to see you here again soon!