This was in response to a Facebook post asking for my top ten books which have stayed with me. That’s not to say ten most favourite books. I thought it might be interesting to share here. I thought I’d make mention too of why I’ve put these books on my list. I’d love to see your list(s).

  1. The Ice King – Dinah Dean Dinah wrote a series of books set in Russia back in time. They were so sweet and moving I was sorry that was all she wrote.
  2. Venetia – Georgette Heyer Love Georgette’s sense of humour and light touch Especially love listening to Richard Armitage read three of them (Venetia, The Convenient Marriage and Sylvester)
  3. Pride and Prejudice – Jane Austen Give me anything Jane Austen esp. Persuasion
  4. The Tigers Woman – Celeste De Blasis The first of hers I read, historical set in the US. Couldn’t believe it surprised me in the end!
  5. Princess Smartypants – Babette Cole Also Prince Cinders… Yes, a children’s picture book but laugh out loud funny.
  6. The Smile Connection: How to Use Humor in Dealing With People – Esther Blumenfeld Very useful tips and tricks
  7. The Prince of Tides – Pat Conroy Very confronting movie and book but wonderfully lyrical prose and depth of feeling.
  8. Men Who Hate Women and the Women Who Love Them : When Loving Hurts and You Don’t Know Why – Dr Susan Forward This explained the situation for me when I couldn’t see how a particular woman could stay with a particular man. A lesson in choosing life partners. Look at some of her others too.
  9. Balance of Power – Richard North Patterson Great treatment of all the various sides of the gun control debate. Quite topical now.
  10. Tallies Knight – Anne Gracie I laughed all the way through this debut book of a great writer.